Grocery Challenge - End of Week 4

We stopped by Macey's Thursday night to buy some little things - some apples, because no one had good fruit on Monday, a handful of shallots to make veggie bouillon and chicken stock, plus a quart of plain yogurt because it was on sale and it just sounded good. Plus, I was having cookie cravings and I remembered this recipe I wanted to try that needed yogurt.

We spent: $6.42 Remaining budget: $9.73

We didn't really intend to come in so far under budget. It just worked out that way. Unless something comes up tomorrow, it looks like we'll be finishing up well under budget.

Today, since we had some money left over and I received some very good news this morning, we went out to eat lunch at Del Taco.

We spent: $4.25 Remaining budget: $5.48

The week is officially over, and with it, the challenge. We finished up well under budget! We succeeded!

Let's hope that we did well enough to gain the attention of the judges at All*You - I'd love to be a finalist! (I'd also love to win, but that goes without saying. ;-))

Menu for the final part of Week 4

Tuesday Breakfast: Bacon popovers (my favorite), cantaloupe Lunch: Random Thai-style stirfry whipped up by my husband so I could write Dinner: Tacos (with homemade taco shells) plus salsa cruda/mango-pineapple salsa, black beans with onions and peppers

Wednesday Breakfast: Mushroom omelet, cantaloupe, sausage patty Lunch: Braised leeks with walnuts and sun-dried tomatoes over pasta Dinner: Garlic burgers, homestyle fries, fry sauce (this is Utah) made with homemade bbq sauce and sour cream, braised radishes and zucchini Dessert Air-popped popcorn and fruit smoothies

Thursday Breakfast: Dutch baby, turkey bacon, fruit smoothies Lunch: Sausage and egg sandwiches on homemade onion buns Dinner: Chef salad with Lavash (from Beard on Bread) Dessert: Eggless Yogurt Chocolate Chip Cookies and milk

Friday Breakfast: 10-grain pancakes, apple and turkey bacon Lunch: Fried rice Dinner: Skillet pasta Dessert: Milk and cookies

Saturday Breakfast: Scottish oatmeal, hardboiled eggs, sausage patty Lunch: Del Taco Dinner: Dad took us to Applebees and Coldstone for a celebratory dinner