Grocery Challenge - Beginning of Week 4

Finally, it's the last week of the Grocery Challenge. We went shopping yesterday, mainly because I needed to go renew some library books before they were overdue today. It means we missed the sales, but it's a small price to pay.

Surprisingly, we didn't buy all that much. We weren't able to get much in the way of fruit for breakfasts, save for one cantaloupe, so I think there'll be another shopping trip later this week. Onions are finally coming down in price, so I have hopes for repeats of last fall's 25c/lb onion crops. I hate paying $1.50+ a pound for onions (and we go through a LOT of onions, about 3 - 5 lbs per week).

Anyway, we picked up a few bunches of radishes at Rancho to make a braised radish dish I saw on Ruhlman's blog, a beautifully ripe mango for mango salsa (more on that soon, it was wonderful), and lots of nice big jalapenos.

We spent: $8.22 Budget remaining: $41.78

We went to Jason's Deli for lunch because it just sounded good. (And boy, was it ever.) No charge for this one, it was on the house thanks to my winning a Twitter trivia contest a couple of weeks ago!

Finally, Winco. We mainly needed produce and dairy today, but we also found boneless pork loin on sale, so we picked up a few pounds. It pushed our trip total up, but we're low on sausage patties.

We spent: $25.63 Budget remaining: $16.15

And that's that! I know I've been posting all about this all the time, but my senior capstone is almost done and soon I'll have the energy to cook and write about food again. I'm so excited!

Sunday Breakfast: Fried egg, turkey bacon, hash browns, cantaloupe Lunch: Ramen salad with TVP Dinner: Florentine lasagna with Mom

Monday Breakfast: Dutch baby, cantaloupe, sausage patty Lunch: Jason's Deli! Dinner: Citrusy black beans, mango-pineapple salsa, baked tortilla chips, avocado -- I will be posting about these soon! Really really good.