Happy New Year!

I hope you enjoyed your New Year's celebrations, whatever they may have been, and safely returned (or stayed) home. I know the folks on the road here were crazy -- and that was well before dark!

I've never been much for resolutions. They're more likely to make me feel guilty rather than inspired. Instead of setting myself up for failure, I'll share with you some of the things I hope to accomplish this year.

  1. Graduate with my bachelor's degree in accounting
  2. After #1, get a job as an entry-level accountant
  3. Read more of the books I own that I haven't gotten to yet
  4. Finish cleaning out our spare bedroom to get rid of clutter
  5. Post three times a week here
  6. Continue eating well, incorporating lots of new recipes and good food
  7. Continue learning and improving my writing and photography
  8. Get back to the gym
  9. Walk at least three times a week
  10. Plant tomatoes, rosemary and thyme this spring
  11. And the most important one of all: Be happy.

What are you aiming to accomplish this year?