Ramen Salad

Serves 4 - 6 as a side

Leave the ramen sealed in its bags and crunch them up thoroughly into little crumbles. Open the bags, remove the seasoning packets and pour noodle-bits into a large bowl. Add the grated carrots, egg and the contents of one seasoning packet. Stir in mayo and sour cream, mixing well to combine.


  1. While the raw noodles may initially be offputting, they're quite easy to eat. I like ramen salad best when it's perfectly fresh, but for the mock-cheese salad, let it sit in the fridge for 30 minutes. The noodles will soak up the moisture from the mayo and sour cream, becoming soft and eerily cheese-textured.

A recipe from http://kitchenmouse.rozentali.com/2009/11/ramen-salad/

Posted by Cori Rozentāle on .