Spinach and Sweet Potato Salad with Bacon Dressing

Adapted from Mark Bittman in Food Matters
Serves 4
Best as a lunch or a side salad with dinner

Preheat oven to 400F. Toss potatoes with 2 tbsp olive oil, salt and pepper, then spread evenly over a sheet pan. Roast, stirring occasionally, until browned and soft, about 35 minutes. Remove and let cool on pan until serving.

Cook bacon in a nonstick/nonreactive skillet over medium heat, turning once or twice, until crisp. Drain on paper towels. Pour off fat if desired, adding remaining 2 tbsp olive oil if needed. Add bell pepper, onion and garlic to the pan. Cook for 5 - 6 minutes, then add spices, zest and bacon. Cook for another minute. Stir in juice. Remove from heat.

In a large bowl, toss spinach with dressing and sweet potatoes. Adjust seasoning as needed. Serve.

A recipe from http://kitchenmouse.rozentali.com/2009/08/spinach-sweet-potato-salad-bacon-dressing

Posted by Cori Rozentāle on .