Roasted Veggie Salad It's a grey and soggy day outside. The kind of day that makes you wish for a soft blanket, a warm cat and a hot cup of cocoa to accompany that great page-turner of a book you'd been meaning to read all this time. It's definitely the kind of day to run the oven for a while. This one is my go-to salad when I want something really hearty and veggie-heavy. I love to mix it with the creamy, salty feta my Greek landlord carries for her family and friends. It can be a side or a main if you add some orzo or potatoes. (I'd use reds or Yukon golds for this one rather than russets.) However, don't forget the dressing. It just wouldn't be the same without the lemony-garlic tanginess. Roasted Veggie Salad

Roasted Veggie Salad [printable recipe]

Adapted from Cuisine at Home's Weeknight Menus

Preheat oven to 425F/220C.

Toss all veggies with olive oil, rosemary or thyme, salt and pepper and arrange in a single layer on a sheet pan. Roast for 25 minutes.

Toss roasted veggies with vinaigrette and sprinkle over with feta cheese and parsley. Serve.

Variation with Potatoes or Orzo

For potatoes: Prior to roasting the veggies, toss potatoes with olive oil, rosemary and garlic. Arrange potato mixture in a single layer on the sheet pan. Roast for 30 minutes, stirring once. Remove from oven and follow Veggie Salad instructions above, making sure to combine veggies and potatoes well.

For orzo: Just prior to putting the veggies in the oven, bring liquid to a boil in a saucepot. Salt the water and add the orzo, bringing it back to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 25 minutes while the veggies roast. Strain orzo and combine with veggies before serving.

Lemon-Garlic Vinaigrette [printable recipe]

Also adapted from Cuisine at Home's Weeknight Menus

Combine all ingredients, whisking well. (Alternatively, use a mini food processor or blender and drizzle in the oil while blending to emulsify well.)