My step-brother is getting married on Saturday and my husband and I are catering the reception. It's a small affair, thankfully, but I underestimated the amount of work involved in sourcing ingredients and researching recipes. Today, I mainly baked desserts and set up for the major push tomorrow where most everything will be prepared. Saturday morning, I have to prep all of the canapes in the morning before leaving for the afternoon wedding. I've never catered before nor am I very experienced in preparing food more than a few hours ahead. It's been a learning experience so far and there's still so much to do! What does all of this mean? Next week's posts will feature cookies, dips and canapes. I'll have to miss this week's Latviešu ēdieni post (I haven't had time to do anything) and will return on Sunday with a report after the dust settles. For now, I leave you with a few memories from Latvia. Tirdzniecības kanāls, Liepāja Tirdzniecības kanāls, Liepāja, Latvija Ķiploku karstmaizītes Ķiploku karstmaizītes, Čili Pica, Liepāja, Latvija (Toasted garlic bread sticks with a cheesy dipping sauce at a very popular pizza joint) Vārna Hooded Crow (corvus cornix) taking flight Pretty Flower A pretty flower in Kuldīga, Latvija See you Sunday and I hope you enjoy your weekend!