Plovs Plovs, better known as pilaf, is a dish that convinced me to reconsider my stance on "stuff in rice". For the longest time, I preferred my rice to be plain, or at most, containing some peas and orzo. Pilafs, which I mostly knew from the weird yellow concoction at Sizzler's, were not for me. Then one night, my mother-in-law dropped off some plovs for us at our flat while we were out gallivanting around in the cold. On such a cold day, the steamy, savory mix of mutton, carrots, onion and rice was the perfect antidote to the freezing wind and rain outside. It's been an unseasonably cold summer here in Utah. After a couple of days above 90F, today we were hit by yet another massive thunderstorm. Not that I'm really complaining, mind you, as our idea of a great place to live is Portland (where we hope to move in the next couple of years). Since we'd picked up some great lamb stew meat from Morgan Valley Lamb, the weather seemed to declare that today we would eat plovs. And it was good. Damn good.

Plovs [printable recipe]

Over medium heat, saute lamb with herbs, salt and pepper until nicely browned. Stir in carrots, onion, and garlic, saute until everything is soft and beginning to brown.

Add rice and water to a rice cooker. Stir in lamb mixture, salt generously, and start cooker on regular white rice cycle.


  1. This one is from my husband and his family. It's simple, but it honestly doesn't need much to really shine.