Pildīta karbonāde -- Stuffed Cutlets

Adapted from Latviešu ēdieni
Serves 2

Preheat oven to 375F. If using a toaster oven, begin preheating to 350F when the meat goes in the pan to brown.

Season chicken breasts or pork chops with salt and pepper. On one half of the cutlet, mound 1/4 of the hard-boiled egg, 1 tbsp cheese and 1/4 tbsp butter, as well as a dash of Tabasco or cayenne if using.

Fold over cutlet to make a packet. Dredge packets in flour, then egg, then bread crumbs, making sure to keep the packet sealed as best you can.

In a medium saute pan over moderate heat, cook the packets, turning once, until beginning to brown. Remove to a small oven-safe, foil-lined pan. Bake for 15 - 20 minutes until fully cooked through.


  1. This is an excellent way to use up that leftover egg yolk or white from another recipe. The original recipe called for 2/5ths of an egg for 2 servings. 2/5ths! How the hell am I supposed to measure that?

A recipe from http://kitchenmouse.rozentali.com/2009/10/pildita-karbonade/

Posted by Cori Rozentāle on .