Everyday Pumpkin Pie

Adapted from Fewel Farms
Makes 1 9" pie

Preheat oven to 375F/190C.

In a large mixing bowl, mix together pumpkin and milk until thoroughly combined. Stir in remaining ingredients, mixing well. Pour into the unbaked pie shell.

High altitudes3: Bake for about an hour, give or take 5 minutes. Low altitudes: Bake for 45 - 50 minutes.

The center will still jiggle a little bit, but not much. Cool on a wire rack to room temperature, then refrigerate overnight.


  1. Blind-baking the crust isn't necessary for pumpkin pie. Some folks blind-bake, others half-blind-bake, it's your choice. I don't blind-bake my pumpkin pie shells, because with Alton's recipe I haven't had a pumpkin pie turn out soggy2.
  2. Along with the above, I have to note that if your pie pumpkin puree has come out somewhat watery, DRAIN IT. Otherwise, you WILL have a soggy pie. Yuck.
  3. I live approximately 5,000 ft above sea level, so my recipes are adjusted for high altitudes. Baking time should be reduced for those living closer to sea level.

A recipe from http://kitchenmouse.rozentali.com/2009/10/everyday-pumpkin-pie/

Posted by Cori Rozentāle on .